Friday, January 21, 2011

Week-end Happies

Image via elizastan's flickr

Drapey, fabric covered houses.
Like an oversized rich grown-up's version of your blanket fort.

Beautiful images of the decayed, feral North Brother Island in New York. Typhoid Mary once called it home.

I don't even know how to describe these. Nathaniel Whitcomb makes "music videos" of collages from old National Geographic magazines. To ethereal Holy Spirits' tunes.

A former Japanese chemical weapons factory becomes: BUNNY ISLAND!
(Thanks Kentucky!)

In "This exists": Whiskey in a can.
(Thanks Lawrence!)

Who knew? Jurassic Park Theme Song slowed down 1000% = dreamy peaceful.
(Thanks Marcus and Sam!)

Learn to speak like a prairie dog!
(Thanks Eliza!)

To Thine Window, To Thine Wall. cc Hell's Belles
via Sam Abernathy Tumblr

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