Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Ode to Crispin Glover.

And now enter please, my dream date with Crispin Glover.

A nerdy, Rubin Farr-era Crispin picks me up in a 1971 red Chevelle. "Hello Melanie. That is a lovely romper you are wearing. I am very much appreciating the extra eyeliner you are wearing today." We drive to a dusty rock-filled patch of desert. Silently, Crispin parks the car, gets out, and walks around to open the door for me. We lay out a worn Pendleton blanket and make ourselves comfortable, the hot Texas sun warming our faces. Crispin pulls out of his bag a blue Kool-aid-filled thermos (The thermos is blue, the Kool-Aid is cherry, obviously) and.... an handle of Popov. He grins. We drink Kool-Aid and make love until the sun sets.

Alternative Crispin Fantasies:

Charlie's Angels Thin Man Crispin and I go to a cockfight. We rescue all the roosters and punch our way out with brass knuckles.

George-McFly Crispin and I go to the Drive-In. Apocalypse Now is playing. Crispin falls asleep in my lap and drools on my knee as I eat all of the popcorn.

For more amazing Crispin eye-candy, click here. You know you want to.

Images via Que Grande es el Cine, Everythin N Nothin,rankopedia


  1. Ha! I love Crispin Glover too.. don't forget an Alice in Wonderland moment as The Knave of HEarts!!

  2. You are my density... I mean, my *destiny*.
