Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, you're cool, and fuck you I'm out.

Duhmericana is going on a road trip, suckas. The LaForce nuclear family (plus one straggler and two dogs) is headed to the great state of "If anyone asks we're part of Canada," aka Maine.
I will be drunk on boxed wine with lobster guts hanging out of my teeth for the majority of the trip. Expect blog posts to be sporadic and weak at best.
I've got some links for tomorrow, but after that you're gonna have to grow up and find your own fun on the internet for a while. I can't regurgitate and spoon-feed it to you forever, jerks.

I will try to keep up with photos/updates on my tumblr and twitter. However, because my family will be with me, I will be much less entertaining, refraining from (most) narcotics and lesbian sex.

Peace out.

Image via Gawker

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Double Dutch & Sno-cones: Poptastic summer mixtape.

This is a mixtape for:

Running through the sprinkler with a white t-shirt on.
Burying your face in a vodka watermelon.
Tube tops and cut-offs.
Raging ice cream headaches.
Pushing your best friend into the pool.
Unorthodox-ly large sunglasses.
Spilling michelada in your lap.
Smacking your Dr. Pepper Lipsmacker lips.
Tattooed men washing cars.
Making out on the swingset.
Choreographed summer camp talent show dance numbers.

And every other fucking funtastic crazy summer cliché you can imagine.

Double Dutch & Sno Cones Mixtape

**Disclaimer: Mixtape is loosely defined. If you run through the sprinkler with a white t-shirt on, your nipples will show.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Necklace love: I am the shit.

Just in case you wondered, A-holes.

via Lost at E Minor

Friday, June 17, 2011

Week-end Happies

Image via Pantagrapher

Make your own Pixie Sticks.

Fun! Find your adorable doppelganger mutt (albeit in New Zealand). (Thanks Jim!)

I barfed just looking at it. The world's steepest rollercoaster.

Timely considering current events...but really always relevant. Why Men Send Pictures of their Penises.

From a founding member of the Crips: Your visual guide to gang signs.

French Covergirls made even more lovely with the help of magic marker.

Portraits of senior dogs. Love. (Thanks Alison!)

All the cool kids will be rocking this at Pitchfork: The forehead fannypack.

5 Minute Avocado Sorbet. Yum.

Finally, just because it's summer in Chicago. Dennehy.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Something I love: Thersic's Style Icon

Now THIS is clever fashion shit. Thersic babes Kiersten and Wes (newlyweds- and Chicago transplants to Brooklyn) take runway gorgeousness and apply it to...everything!
Some of my favorites are below.


Jem, The Holograms and The Misfits


Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Summer Sunday Substance Abuse Workout Plan!

It's Sunday in June. You've slept til noon. You roll out of bed, pound your prescription eye drops, and begin your Sunday afternoon hammock 'n' multi-substance binge. About 5pm rolls around and you realize that you have mere hours before your BFF's killer birthday BBQ and you have to play a competitive sporting event next week and you have been a little concerned about your muffin top and also ate nearly a pound of Amish butter with an entire baguette for lunch.

So. Normally, under normal mediocre self-loathing conditions, you would just pop back another capful of Robitussin and shave your legs. But, given the importance of maximizing EVERY DAMN CALORIE-MURDERING OPPORTUNITY, you realize you must take action.

How to exercise on drugs*:

1. Select your workout. I opt for an elliptical machine, because it makes for upper-body freedom. Jumproping is also good. Running in place for an hour is extremely fun.

2. Put on your favorite Hello Kitty t-shirt and 2-sizes-too-small American Apparel booty shorts.

3. Fire up your iPod to the best 80s anthems you can muster (Aha, When in Rome, Erasure).

4. Have a handler present. Someone should pop their head in the room when your Boyz II Men moves get out of hand and your iPod explodes when you accidentally throw it across the room.

5. Burn calories.

It will look something like this.

*Don't really exercise on drugs, idiot.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Necklace love: Porcupine quills.

I can't fully endorse this necklace until I know that the quills were harvested humanely (I know, I'm a fucking hippie). Let's assume that the quills came in bulk from a veterinarian- courtesy of some idiot fashionista's over-curious Yorkie. In which case, we can thoroughly enjoy the hardcore beauty of this piece. Rock.

via Kller

Week-end happies

love is... photo by Will Rice

Rhubarb syrup for yer pancakes and moonshine.

Really I'm surprised it took as long as it did. Unicorn Name Generator. Love, Tulip Blue Reins.

I love everything about this summer reading uniform post.

When only a Bill Cosby gif gets me. (Thanks Marcus!)

Awesome hip-hop photos from the 70s and 80s.

Not Now, Skeletor! For those awkward moments with evil.

As hilarious if not more than it's better known predecessor, Love the @shitgirlssay twitter feed. "I'm not like, super hungry." "Did I get any color today?"

Chamomile gin? Fennel vodka? Yes please.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Early Summer Redemption Frittata

I'm gay for vegetables.

A lovely lady gifted me Barbara Kingsolver's Animal, Vegetable, Miracle. Although I wasn't ignorant to the notion that we spend a lot of fuel and energy getting ridiculous foods to our table (Do we really need arugula in January?)- I never felt such remorse for guzzling foreign oil via my plate like I do after reading this book.

It's no secret that I have farm fantasies (interpret as you will). I am a teacher's pet reading Kingsolver's lessons on gardening and poultry-breeding, nodding eagerly at the book into the wee hours after my husband has long since passed out. I highly recommend it for other food nerds.

Most of us don't have the um, luxury (?) of a 4,000 square foot backyard plot to feed our families. At my house, we DO maintain a meager (40 square foot), currently weed-filled vegetable garden, as well as get most produce and all of our eggs from local farmers.

Here's my recipe for an Early Summer Redemption Frittata. The vegetables I used were readily available locally in Chicago's "late-nonexistent spring." Shake off a little of that gasoline guilt. Mmkay? It's just a frittata, jerks. You can handle this.

This recipe feeds two normal humans or one woman having a manic episode.

Early Summer Redemption Frittata

- 2 Large to XL local eggs
- 1 additional egg white
- 1 portabella mushroom cap or a large handful of cremini or button mushrooms, chopped
- 4 to 5 spears of asparagus, chopped
- 3 bunches of baby bok choi, or about a cup of another fresh cooking green, chopped
- 2 scallions or one Egyptian walking onion/overwintered potato onion
- A good splash of local milk or creamer- the higher the fat content, the tastier the frittata.
-1/8 cup crumbled local goat cheese. (Prairie Fruits Farm in Illinois has a great selection.)
- olive oil and truffle oil*
- salt and pepper to taste*

Preheat oven to 325. In a medium saucepan (this will be the size of your frittata), saute mushrooms, the white part of the onions, and the stem-y parts of the baby bok choi with about 3 tablespoons of olive oil and one tablespoon of truffle oil over medium-high heat. After you start these, throw your chopped asparagus into a shallow pan with water almost covering the asparagus. Cover with a lid and bring to a boil. Turn off immediately. After your sauteeing veggies have cooked down slightly (about 8 minutes) Strain your asparagus bits and toss them into the saute pan too, along with the leafy parts of the bok choi. Cook for 3-4 minutes on medium heat, or until the leafy bok choi has just wilted. Add a little more oil at this point if you need to. Spread your veggies across the pan so that there are somewhat evenly dispersed.

Crack your eggs and egg white into a bowl and add the milk/cream. Whip up until it's even and just a bit frothy. Dump this mixture over your cooked veggies. Cook on medium heat uncovered for about 5 minutes, keeping an eye that the edges don't brown.

Put the entire pan into the preheated oven. Cook for about 8 minutes, or until the egg has set completely. Remove with a friggin pot holder and don't forget that as you are plating it, the handle is fucking hot. (I forgot.)

Done! After I made this, I ate a Hershey's chocolate bar, whose chocolate was surely harvested by tiny child labor hands in somewhere like Malaysia, and shipped on Hummers aboard aircraft carriers to the USA. I'm not perfect, you guys.

*Kingsolver made allowances for certain cooking oils and spices in her "nothing but local" quest. She feels that no reasonable kitchen can cook without them.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Chicago, The Reflected City

Please take a few moments to watch this stunning video created by Craig Shimala, who uses a mirror filter technique. As a result you feel like you're floating through a dreamy, flooded, post-apocalyptic Chicago. I especially love the effect when he hits Lake Street.

It's crazy how a simple mirror filter can transform a video into something else. from Craig Shimala on Vimeo.

via Short List

Friday, June 3, 2011

Week-end happies

Image via You + Eye

25 photos of love.

Need a little encouragement? This kid is the best motivational speaker ever. (Thanks Lizz and Marcus!)

Fave tumblr of the week: My Daguerreotype Boyfriend. (Thanks Deb!)

Opening today (6/3) at Music Box, L'Amour Fou: A documentary about the life and final auction of Yves Saint Laurent. Looks. Gorge.

HOGLETS. (Thanks Emily!)

Beautiful rare photos of Marilyn Monroe.

This conversion of an ancient manor to a modern home is amazing. I want to steal it.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


What senses and images are most salient when you think of summer? For me, it's morning glories in the alley. The weathered cotton smell of my hammock. Sweat stains under my boobs. Cherry tomatoes popping in my mouth. Neon pink toenails. I could go on, but I won't. Instead, enjoy a few summer-inspired images and video. They will make you feel calm and warm, like a pill and a blanket. Happy day, summer is here!

Suddenly, last summer from Leonardo Dalessandri on Vimeo.

Summer Escapade 2011 from R1BS on Vimeo.

Images via drunkkbitch, herestowords, raulmacias,, shaania,, Hardy