Thursday, August 16, 2012

What does Chicago smell like?

Remember in Seinfeld when Kramer wanted to bottle his Beach perfume? Scent is strongly tied to emotion and memory. I was thinking about what I would put into a bottled Chicago scent. Which smells hit you each day during your commute? Which remind you of first dates and first steps and that weird guy that flirts with you at the dog park?

If I could bottle Chicago, I would mix up this blend:

A hoppy base of local beer. Daisycutter. Gumballhead.
Elements of jibarito, pierogies, sport peppers, and Blommer's chocolate.
A bit of that electric burning odor from the Red line.
Some rotting-Lake-Michigan-fish scent.
Whatever "music snobbery" smells like.
Top notes of alley pee.

What would you include?

(Photo via)