Monday, August 15, 2011

Dissecting Fall Trends! With a blunt scalpel.

See-thru with granny panties. For the career girl.

Stay warm with a coat made of skinned collies.

For the practical: Head Cupcakes.

That timelessly sexy "Kleenex Box" look.

I'm not sure what to say about this one but I believe it resembles the bad guys from Fraggle Rock?

When you want to wear your endometriosis on the OUTSIDE, too!

Thank you, Harper's Bazaar.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Black and white and bad boys.

I love the bad boys. Smitten with the boycandy in these images of oldie Gangs of Brooklyn.

Also craving this poster from Larken. Find courtesy of Teen Angster.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Boy Crush (kinda): Milo Munshin, age 11.

For some of us, it took decades to perfect our catty. Not so for the precocious Milo,aka the "gayest 10-year old boy on earth," who designs clothes, blogs fashion, and rocks a Louis Vuitton kerchief like no adult man.
Milo's beautiful fashion blog, Purple, takes us through design, architecture, and the pains of stores never having your waifish size.

One of my favoritest posts is Things you should and shouldn't wear to a music festival. Take note, hippies: Milo is anti-tie-dye.