British senior citizens party so much harder than us Yanks. Check out this dope mini-caravan that you can attach to your Rascal. (Note to 12-year old boys: A Rascal is a mobile scooter for the walking-challenged, not a euphemism for your wang.)
Created for Royal Wedding-goers, this mini bedroom is carbon-neutral. It has a 19-inch telly, a drink cabinet, and complete facilities for making tea. NO FUCKING JOKE. It's also pretty damn lovely.
Obviously, I envision much more glamorous uses for this scooter-room, such as banging hippies at Pitchfork. Hippies love tea!
Optional extras include: Solar roof panels, A FUCKING AIR HORN, and gaming console. I knew I'd find a great use for that £5,500 I have lying around. Come party on my scooter, sexy.
wow, that's real? : ) pretty cute!